Monday, February 24, 2020

Market Penetration and Branding Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market Penetration and Branding - Coursework Example Trade promotions, on the other hand, refer to incentives such as discounts, schemes, commissions and freebies that are meant to ensure that the traders stock up and that instances of stock-outs are reduced.Loyalty programs, on the other hand, refer to reward programs that companies offer to loyal customers who frequently purchase their products and services (Davis 169). The loyalty programs are often rolled out such that customers are given specific numbers that they use when making purchases. The long-term purpose of loyalty programs is to reward the customers who the organization considers loyal with free merchandise or to provide them with advanced access to products that have been freshly injected into the market. In as much as both the practice of creating loyalty programs, as well as that embracing sales promotion activities, play a role in ensuring that companies get their expected profits, I presume true the fact that the practice of embracing sales promotion activities is more efficient as compared to that of using loyalty programs. This is because they increase the level of sales when they are floated, and even after their duration has elapsed, organizations normally find themselves in a better position as compared to its competitors within the market. Tasked with the responsibility of developing a branding strategy for Achilles casual shoes, I would settle on Achilles in Trend as the brand name. Similarly, I would embrace sales promotion activities as my branding strategy.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Process Analysis Essay on My Writing Process Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process Analysis on My Writing Process - Essay Example I had the mandate of addressing an academic audience in the controversy essay and the general audience on the public argument essay. As such, in addressing the different audience distinct writing techniques had to apply. In the academic audience, I dedicated my time and works to informing audience on the different controversies that exist I relation to reference topic. For example, I shared the arguments and counterarguments on increasing fuel prices with an aim of reducing global warming. This I did with an open mind, gave facts, and assumed a neutral position. In addressing, the public on the public argument essay, I changed the vision of my audience by using a convincing tone to make them support my views. I did this by narrowing my information to a shorter topic befitting my position. For instance, I detailed all the benefits of increasing fuel prices for purposes of controlling global warming. Moreover, the two audiences adopted distinct introductions. Indeed, I used facts and b ackground information to address the academic audience in the introduction of the second essay. Furthermore, the context of the information changed with the audience. For example, in the public argument essay, the context changed to only the benefits of increasing fuel prices. Actually, in this context, the demerits of increasing fuel prices for controlling global warming did not surface. Consequently, the context of my information had a direct connection with the purpose of the address. In fact, in my controversy, the purpose of the information.